
Diana Garcia Photography

follow me on instagram-- http://instagram.com/dgpmiami

Originally from Miami—–and I’m back

Studied at The Hallmark Institute of Photography in Massachusetts—–no way to explain in a few words how intense it was

Moved to Denver on a whim—–I think I have gypsy roots

Moved to Atlanta to be closer to the racetracks—– that one was calculated

Have now driven across the country 7 times “solo”—–I count Miami to New England “cross country”

First camera was a Kodak 110 film camera—–remember those? they looked like flat rectangles and the film just snapped in. Wait, do you remember FILM?

Currently shoot with Canons—–always sounds medieval to me

First dog was a German Shepherd named ‘puppy’—–sounds ridiculous now that I’m an adult, but he was awesome

Love to read—–‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’ by Garth Stein is my current favorite book

Am a Gemini—–that just means I’m twice as much fun

My favorite color changes yearly—–you’d almost think I was into fashion or design. Currently it’s purple, no, orange, no, grey { I prefer to spell it with an “e”}

My favorite actor is Tom Hanks—–that never changes, I don’t think he has made a movie mistake in almost 20 years

Unless it’s absolutely necessary to dress—–“up”, you will most likely find me in jeans and a tee

I have recently given up soda—–Diet Coke was a good friend and I miss it dearly

update: My soda stream has become my new best friend—- fizzy water with lime—awesomeness

I am addicted to Instagram, the app is always the first thing I open on my phone—–so join the insanity and become a fan

oh and comment !! —–I love comments, can never have enough

**I have a FB page but I never update it-- you can find it at http://facebook.com/dianagarciaphotography to see my old stuff. Don't see much of a point in promoting it since the last few posts have been limited to 3 people if I don't pay. But I do add photos on occasion--- tangent over

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