emily taylor rogers artist

Emily Taylor Rogers is a rising artist currently living in the Greater Philadelphia area. A Michigan native, she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Gwen Frostic School of Art at Western Michigan University in 2015. Her recent work combines her education in traditional processes of art making with her love for experimentation and contemporary design.

Emily strives to continually chase freedom, be authentic and bring her creative spirit into every aspect of her life. Her constant hope throughout her creative journey is to shine a little light into this world, cause people to think and feel deeply, and continue to be inspired by the energies surrounding her. Body, mind, spirit, this world and universe surrounding it influence her works and life. Creating every chance she gets, traveling to expand her experiences, practicing yoga, modeling and helping other creatives when the opportunities arise - her goal is to stay multidimensional in her talents and never stop growing or learning.

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All by emily taylor rogers artist

frida kahlo iPhone Case
iPhone Case
frida kahlo iPhone Case
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Wall Tapestry
Wall Tapestry
frida kahlo Wall Tapestry
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Tote Bag
Tote Bag
frida kahlo Tote Bag
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Canvas Print
Canvas Print
frida kahlo Canvas Print
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Sticker
frida kahlo Sticker
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Beach Towel
Beach Towel
frida kahlo Beach Towel
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
frida kahlo Stationery Cards
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Notebook
frida kahlo Notebook
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Throw Pillow
Throw Pillow
frida kahlo Throw Pillow
by emily taylor rogers artist
frida kahlo Throw Blanket
Throw Blanket
frida kahlo Throw Blanket
by emily taylor rogers artist