Tiger Tarantino

Paper Tiger Designs are all hand-created by Tiger Tarantino. Tiger specializes in book covers, tarot design, and fantasy illustrations, utilizing a variety of techniques ranging from digital compositing, 3d sculpting and generation, and hand-painting. Tiger fell into graphic design in order to create covers for their own books, many under the penname Katie de Long. It proved to be as cathartic as the writing, and they have rarely been seen without a Photoshop Document open for several years. Tiger is available for custom commissions, and art can be licensed for book covers, album covers, or alternate purposes, if desired. Please contact Tiger if you are interested in a custom work or special licensing. Tiger is also a skilled artisan in multiple media, including batik/pysanky writing, acrylic painting, and photography. To purchase their pysanky or view more images from their pysanky portfolio, visit their website under their married name: NolieWilson.com.

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