
With a background in printmaking, design, and programming, Michael Hairston makes art with code, creating his own tools, tweaking their parameters and then letting them loose to see what they come up with. He carefully curates the results, choosing only the very best images to release.

Check out his digital-only images, animations, and experiments at https://possiblepieces.com

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All by possiblepieces

Ben-Day Cloud #19 Art Print
Art Print
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Art Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Recessed Framed Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Canvas Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Ben-Day Cloud #19 Framed Art Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Recessed Framed Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Canvas Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Ben-Day Cloud #20 Framed Art Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Art Print
Art Print
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Art Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Framed Art Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Recessed Framed Print
by possiblepieces
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Ben-Day Cloud #21 Canvas Print
by possiblepieces