The Laughing Seal

My name is Rúna, I am the graphite and ink illustrator and creative nerd behind the Laughing Seal. As a child, I was taught and inspired by the Scandinavian, Native American, and Celtic stories of my heritage. In later years I became enthralled the stories of J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, and Cornelia Funke. To me, they weaved magic into reality, building on the folk stories of my childhood, and igniting my imagination. Folk art and lore have served as a basis on which I see and relate nearly everything in my life – bringing both beauty and inspiration to every aspect of my world.

In my teens and twenties, I was greatly influenced by the environmental issues I witnessed first hand while traveling across the United States and Canada, taking part in wildlife rescue and studying environmental science. Each of the turtles, hawks, rabbits, and various other species I had the opportunity to assist taught me new lessons and reminded my of the folklore of my childhood.

These experiences served as a catalyst for me to use my art to inspire change, and hopefully rekindle the innocence and imagination too often lost with age and the business of our modern world.

As you view each of the art pieces on this site, I hope you will take a moment to slow down, seek simplicity, and maybe even laugh a little.

~ Runa

Interesting fact: I love marine biology but am terrified of deep water.

You can find me on the following social media sites:

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