I've combined art, technology and evolving systems to begin this art experiment. I develop endless art processes to produce stills (and videos).
I control the layout sometimes, but not the combinations, of which there are millions. Often I'll tweak the result to bring out its best features. So I may be more of a curator than a creator.
At my website https://stillmovingart.net/ you can see this evolving, ever-changing "animated painting" for yourself.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment and get in touch.
Chris Simmons
You can also see my work and my inspirations at Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/chriss2211/stillmovingart/ Videos on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Thoughtsinlight
Some thoughts on art processes: https://www.etsy.com/au/teams/28242/creative-provocations?ref=pr_teams