Ari Photography is a Seascape photographer, digital artist and graphic designer based out of Dallas Texas. Arianne Grew up in Santa Cruz California and Camarillo Ca. She has also lived in Hawaii, Chile, New Zealand and other portions of the US. Ari began her career 20 years ago by selling Seascape prints to local surf shops in her home town of Ventura/LA County...Camarillo, Ca. A surfer herself she has ALWAYS loved the ocean and all things tropical. Society 6 is the perfect platform for Ari as her loves besides baking are 1. The ocean 2. Photography and 3.Home Decorating. Her favorite stores include Urban Outfitters, Pottery Barn Teen and Anthropologie, therefore she is definitely enjoying using her images for Society 6 which has a similar feel as those stores. Take a dive in the gallery, the water is fine....and if you decide to purchase something please tag Ari on social media along with a posted pict! We want to thank you! @ariphotographycouture
For non Seascape work go to Ari's website...