H Miller Ink Illustration

I’m Heather Miller - an Illustrator + Art Director based in Detroit, MI. If you’d like to follow my art journey or collaborate on a project I’d love to connect.

Portfolio: hmillerink.com

Contact: heather@hmillerink.com

IG: instagram.com/hmillerink

I founded my studio H Miller Ink to fuel my passion for analog art. I’m obsessed with bright colors, textures, and art supplies. I work in colored pencil, markers, and acrylic. I create heartfelt, whimsical imagery with encouraging sentiments and am inspired by nature, imaginary characters, and human resilience.

Copyright Heather Miller LLC. All designs belong to Heather Miller LLC (artist) and may not be reproduced by anyone other than the artist for sale or commercial use. Designs have been created in accordance with Intellectual Policies. Please email me for art licensing inquiries.

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