Hi, my name is Tim Max, and I'm an old-school art institute digital and classical painter. I have been honing my craft for many years and am excited to share my journey with you. I was born into a family of artists and knew from a young age that I wanted to pursue a career in the arts. I was always drawn to the beauty of the world around me and wanted to capture that beauty in my art. When I was a child, my parents enrolled me in art classes and I quickly discovered a passion for painting. I spent hours painting with watercolors, acrylics, and oils, learning the techniques and styles of the great painters of the past. As I grew older, I decided to pursue my passion for painting at the Art Institute. There I learned the traditional techniques of classical painting, including composition, color theory, and perspective. I spent countless hours studying the great masters, from Michelangelo to Rembrandt, learning from their techniques and styles. After finishing my studies, I started my career as a classical painter. I exhibited my work in galleries and museums around the world and received critical acclaim for my beautiful and timeless paintings. As technology advanced, I saw an opportunity to expand my artistic expression by incorporating digital tools into my work. I began experimenting with digital painting, using software to create images that were both traditional and modern. I found that digital painting offered a new level of creative freedom, allowing me to experiment with color, texture, and composition in ways that were impossible with traditional painting techniques. I quickly became adept at using digital tools to create art and began to incorporate digital painting into my work. Today I proudly call myself a digital painter and an old-school art institute classical painter. My work combines the best of both worlds, blending traditional techniques with modern technology to create beautiful and timeless pieces of art. I am excited to share my work with the world through Society6.com, where I offer prints of my original paintings and digital art. I hope my art brings joy and beauty to those who see it and inspires others to pursue their passions in art. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I look forward to sharing my art with you.