Raquel Arasaki

I’m brazilian with half japanese blood, living in Switzerland! My work is the result of all I’ve seen, and what I am. Architect and jewelry designer, designs and produces handmade jewelry since 2010. Started to have fun with painting using watercolor, inspired by nature, and Japanese culture. Send me a message if you wanna talk, or send a feedback :) info@arasakidesign.ch

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All by Raquel Arasaki

Flor Hoody
Flor Hoody
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Counter Stool
Counter Stool
Flor Counter Stool
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Travel Mug
Travel Mug
Flor Travel Mug
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Coaster
Flor Coaster
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Tablecloth
Flor Tablecloth
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Sheer Curtain
Sheer Curtain
Flor Sheer Curtain
by Raquel Arasaki
Flor Jigsaw Puzzle
Jigsaw Puzzle
Flor Jigsaw Puzzle
by Raquel Arasaki