My name is Ramona Lazar. I had been a fashion designer before engaging fully into parenting when my second child was born. I now paint together with my 4 years old son, Asmund, because for us it is not only a passion, but also our “together time’. We either work individually or we collaborate on shared paintings. In the latter case, I usually start and make a more detailed image in the center, and then Asmund follows by bringing the abstract art colour explosion on the rest of the painting. And, of course, we both give space for creativity to each other. For us it is a journey, a mom and child screenplay which runs on our paintings. Through art, we, both as art viewers and creators, are sometimes searching for our inner child. For a specific state of mind in which we are deprived of all worries and concerns. It is a search for past experiences and memories of innocence, playfulness, and creativity, along with hope for the future. And I believe this is shown particularly in Asmund’s art. His paintings are a bold statement of creativity, innocence, and hope. They are explosions of colours, they express energy, movement and enthusiasm, because they are transpositions of his imagination. My contribution is, on the other hand, to paint my experiences of femininity and motherhood, to bring balance to a world of chaos, with gracious shapes and regular flows. And the two together provide the viewer with a synergy which gives more hope to the future and more enthusiasm about the present.

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