brenda erickson

I believe in science, but I also believe in what science can not explain. Mainly the matters of the soul and the interconnectivity of all living things. Once upon a time, I was a landscape architect; but currently I am a digital artist. Symbols, geometry, and nature are my favorite creative fodder.

I am a moon enthusiast. I enjoy following the silvery shine of Luna as she moves across the night sky on her journey to circle the earth. I like the pace of her movements each month. She gives some time, but not too much, to meter our life. Looking to verify progress on a life mission? Her full moment, relatively twelve times a year, is the perfect event to recollect and rectify. She gives light to the dark confusion of our lives, shining without fail approximately every 28 days.

I am a student of Shamanism, an amateur at Tarot, a master of Reiki, a loving partner and a proud Mama. I am grateful and humbled to share my work.

To see my catalog of illustrations, click the "collections" button, and then the collection "Catalog of Work".

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