
After kindergarten, two years of first grade, and a rocky second grade I learned that my oldest son - like his father - was dyslexic. Ok. I was ready for this. I rolled up my sleeves, bought some flash cards, lined up some tutoring, and prepared to "fix" my quiet son of what I misunderstood as simply reading backwards (or was it in mirror images?). However, when I began researching, talking to specialists, and meeting for coffee with other parents, what I learned was my own epiphany. His struggle with decoding letters indicated a unique difference in learning... and what an amazing mind it is! Calmed by this knowledge, I have come to understand that my son's dyslexic brain will take him exactly where he wants to go. Even more, I now know how to parent and guide him on his path.

In the winter of 2012 I sat in my living room with two other women and began structuring a parent support and awareness group. Armed with new knowledge and determination, we decided to start the Virginia chapter of Decoding Dyslexia. By early 2013 we had a website, a facebook page, and members across the state ready for action!

A designer, I wanted to create a symbol that would be meaningful for those on this journey. As much as I wanted to explain dyslexia, I found myself reflecting back on my own darker days before the light of understanding. Instead of trying to define dyslexia, I turned back to the commonplace myth that it is only reading backwards or in mirror image. This stylized design is inspired by the seamless dimensions of the letters p q b d, contained within an endless circle, and ready to break out.

                                                                                     Rebecca Worth Warner
                                                                                     Decoding Dyslexia Virginia
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