
My visual art career began at age 6, being the child of the master calligrapher Akiko Sugawara in Hiroshima, Japan. I thankfully (now, not then) spent my youth practicing calligraphy for hours each day to learn the finer points of composition and balance using a brush. After finishing college in Yokohama, I moved to the U.S. and began a lifelong career as a composer and musician.

My love of calligraphy remained, however, and I began making digital photographs of cut paper designs and calligraphy compositions that my wife and I used for various cards, flyers and digital backgrounds. This, in turn, drew me into the world of digital design.

Before long, I was making band posters, CD covers, and large amounts of personal art. My efforts turned into commissions for branding, posters and marketing materials for artists and businesses looking for something unusual and eye-catching.

I have my own style, but enjoy the process of turning another person's input and ideas into a unique and artistic image. Every success I have in creating something that others find beautiful encourages me to continue learning and creating in this fun and challenging medium.

If you are interested in my previous works, please visit https://www.fumanstudios.com https://www.instagram.com/fumanstudios

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