
Hello there! Thanks for stopping by!

I decided it's time I showed the world what has been on my mind for quite a while.

It all started when I was in architecture school. You know, architecture students are bit nuts and tend to like weird stuff...and I naturally fell in love with city plans! At one point, I had the chance to travel a bit more around Europe and every time before a trip, I prepared a city plan with highlighted spots of interest! Then, going back home, I thought I could keep the memories from the lovely streets I walked and the friends I met longer (like hang-it-on-the-wall longer!) by making myself a print of the place I visited. At first I made these prints only for myself, then I started sharing them with friends and they seemed to like them too. So I thought I could share them with the rest of the world as well.

Hope you enjoy them too!

Most of the prints were done using data from OpenStreetMap®.

Hope to see you again!


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