Holly Hutchison Art

Holly Hutchison has always created paintings in her head. Visual art was a love and focus in her early adult life and she studied at the Ontario College of Art (now OCADU), graduating from Design (textiles) in 1985. After working for 6 years curating for a public art gallery, she left the art world and built a career in editing, writing, and marketing.

In 2018, the re-emerging desire to create called to her and Holly started working with collage and then began to paint. For her, it’s a meditation. She says, “It’s through painting that I slide into another space, live in a parallel world, let everything about day-to-day life slide away to create other realities.”

A reoccurring theme in Holly’s work is what’s behind the veil, the thought, the surface, the impression … history, mystery, stories told and untold.

See more at HollyHutchisonArt.ca

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