I asked a friend to help me with an artist bio and this is what she came up with…
Hello and welcome to Jenna Spurlock’s collection of reality inspired art. If you love nostalgia, edge, a break from basic and happy shit, this is the place for you.
Jenna was born, raised and currently spreads great vibes in Orlando, FL. When she isn’t caring for her menagerie of animal-children, she is a firefighters wife, yoga teacher, plant vigilante, turtle crossing guard, dog trainer and most likely to show up at your house with something to heal you. She has been creating, dreaming, painting, teaching, and making inspired offerings her whole life. If only those early macaroni collages were available to you now. Hopefully you enjoy the current inventory since her work has evolved since then.
Jenna draws daily inspiration from nature, astrology, finding new ways to shield energy and hold space. She likes traveling, being a proud introvert, exploring vegan food, upcycling things and people, and advocating for the rights of humans and animals who are human. Jenna is a maker, not a faker. She knows when to love and she knows when to shove.