Kirsten Star

Hello art lover! I'd like to take a moment to tell you about myself and my work. To start I'll be honest and say, I had a tough time growing up. I suffered with depression that crippled my teen and early adult years but I found help and worked hard to come out the other side. Through it all artistic expression has been important for me. I however did not have the same talent when my depression lifted, it's not so easy to write deep, dark poetry when your not feeling dark anymore! This is where visual art comes in. I still need to create but without angst I find visual arts is the way to go. I have taught myself everything I know and am fascinated with patterns, the abstract, and my favourite, fractals! Art can give us new eyes to see the world with. Since I found fractals I now see them everywhere. In an abstract I can see the chaos of the world, the mix of good and bad. I firmly believe anyone can be an artist, it's not about being able to draw or hold a paint brush, it's about the burning desire to create! I hope you will browse and enjoy my creations! If you really like something you could pay me the ultimate compliment and buy. If you can't buy, you could always share instead, a Facebook or Twitter share can be a big boost, one I'd really appreciate. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll love my art!

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