Pi·sé Artworks (P.I.S.E.)

+Kathleen Nicholson+ Pi·sé Artworks (P.I.S.E.) Ponder. Investigate. Struggle. Evolve. http://www.nicholsonportfolio.com/

I am a figurative painter currently living in Southern California.

As an artist, I think it is important to always evolve. From the beginning, for me, painting is one note of color next to another and watching the artwork come to life. If you get the the colors in their proper relationship the paintings fall into place. I try to see the abstraction as equally as the representational, to let the colors define the composition and define the space. By getting the colors correct, the whole piece comes together. I try to interpret my subjects again, but differently, to show my impression of that subject that only I perceive and share that with the viewer.

My subjects include: birds, landscapes, urban nature, California Palms - etc. Places and things from my everyday life.

If I get stuck with artist block or if I feel my work has gone stale, I change medium. I try to push myself myself into investigation of the same subject in a new way, I feel struggling with a new medium makes me evolve, stops me from settling on doing something I have done before. I have worked extensively in oil, gouache, watercolor, and pastel.

My artistic career began on the east coast studying painting, drawing, and textile design at Southeastern Massachusetts University (now University of Massachusetts Dartmouth). Upon graduation, I received a teaching assistantship at Southern Illinois University and spent the next three years of my life evolving as an artist. After graduate school, I taught for two years at a little college in southern Illinois, then I moved to the Los Angeles area. In LA I worked as a gallery artist creating paintings and completing commissions. I was associated with Koplin, Huntsaker/Schlesinger, and Erickson & Ellins galleries.

​I hope you enjoy the work. -Kathleen

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