
Once upon a time, there was a girl who desperately wanted a dog. She craved a furry companion to hike the hills of Los Angeles and play in the tides of the ocean. Sophie hailed from a shelter on the "wrong" side of the tracks, but the girl didn't care. With a heart of candid canine, Sophie became family. The girl loved the dogs for many years. They laughed and cried together and even watched old movies together. When it was Sophie s time to go, the girl was the saddest she'd ever been. She ached for a memento to wear to have Sophie's spirit always near. So, in remembrance of Sophie, the girl created a charm that she wears every on a ribbon. Thanks to Sophie, the Luxepets collection was born.

Today, Luxepet's collection has evolved to include ways to cherish, celebrate and commemorate the love our companion animals. May our products put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step as you share the love you have for your furry family, one product at a time.

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