Prints With Meaning

Prints with Meaning (PwM) gives Family, Friends, Advocates, and Supporters of global Special Needs... Special Abilities, #speciabilities… community an easy way to Advocate by simply wearing their 'Hearts on Their Sleeves'.

PwM was created to produce designs to support Amazing Reality, Inc, a USA-based non-profit organization that operates globally whose mission is to elevate the lives of the Special Needs and Disability global community. PwM was so well received that now serves anyone to increase Awareness.

Amazing Reality, AMZNG for short, was dreamt up by the founders and inspired by their son who is rocking an extra 21st chromosome; Down syndrome. While traveling they discovered that the therapies and assistance they were receiving in the United States were not being offered in other counties... particularly in the Caribbean and Latin America. So they set out to pay it forward and share their knowledge to provide for persons with special needs by educating the community they live in with advocacy skills, therapy, training, and services.

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