Team Rapscallion

I've been in business forever, well almost.

In first grade I coerced my best friend into joining forces with me to create our own greeting card and stationery company. We had all the bases covered; a company logo, order forms, and samples of our product (folded pastel paper with our hand drawn greeting card designs on them). We went door to door and peddled our wares to all of my neighbours. When we made our first sale it was a rush, and I was hooked.

Throughout elementary school I continued to expand my empire. I had lemonade stands, I sold homemade candy, and hand painted wooden "art" pieces. I even tried my hand in the greeting card business again, responding to one of those ads on the back of Archie comics.

I traded in the hustle and bustle of big business during my teenage years for angst, punk rock, boys and homework. When it came time to pick a career, there was never a doubt in my mind. I wanted to make things all day and be my own boss.

I enrolled in Visual Communications, learned a wide variety of skills like screen printing, sculpture and graphic design. I completed my degree and got busy working.

A hybrid clothing store / screen printing shop / graphic design studio was my business formula for 7 years. Creating my own clothing, jewelry and accessory designs and selling them along with a variety of other brands.

In 2010 my online jewelry sales started to show promise, and the shackles of a bricks and mortar store started to feel like they were weighing me down. I decided to make a change.

Most of my sales are now made online, with the exception of a few appearances at conventions, festival and special events. I also still do graphic design, illustration and web development work, I consider that my day job but it is really just one part of what I do.

The fact that I can craft, create and make messes for most of every day makes me one happy lady!

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