My name is Gabriela M V Demarco. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1962. When I was 20 years old, in the middle of the Argentinian Military Dictatorship, I moved to Brazil, to Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, where I had 3 daughters (all of them grew up to be incredible and empowered women) and raised my family. My education as a visual artist was self-taught and at institutions such as at the Minas Gerais Estate University (UEMG - Escola Guignard) during the 1980s and, more recently, at Casa dos Quadrinhos. I am the Creative Director of the brand Elvira Matilde, a brand of democratic fashion from Minas Gerais; this name is a tribute to my maternal grandmother who taught me the arts of cutting, sewing and recycling and other tricks. As a young woman I did performances and exhibitions, today I create clothes, prints and objects; I paint fabrics and walls, I make accessories, dolls and stories. I like to create art all day long, this is my drive. I live in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil, close to nature. I am a grandmother of wonderful children, and my life is simple.
#stayhome #forabolsonaro