The surfEXPLORE Collection

The surfEXPLORE Collection from The surfEXPLORE® Group


The surfEXPLORE group is a multi-national, multi-lingual group of experienced surfers, writers and photographers dedicated to surfing exploration and principles of discovery, adventure, documentation and conservation of new surfing areas worldwide.


The surfEXPLORE Group was formed in 2010 with John Seaton Callahan (USA-SIN) Emiliano Cataldi (ITA-AUS) Sam Bleakley (UK) and Erwan Simon (FRA) as core members and an international roster of guest surfers.


The surfEXPLORE group have completed more than 40 projects to find, surf and document new surfing locations in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, with more than 6 000 pages of verified published international editorial content in books, magazines and websites worldwide.


surfEXPLORE locations include Algeria, Madagascar, Mozambique, The Philippines, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Western Sahara, Gabon, Liberia, South Korea, Maldives, Comoros, China PRC, São Tomé and Principé, India, Myanmar, Angola, Mauritania, Taiwan ROC, Oman, Italy, Kenya, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, France, Morocco, Malaysia, South Africa, Panamá, Japan, Ghana, Tunisia, and Vietnam


The surfEXPLORE group have filmed and broadcast two episodes of their eponymous television series with Producer Jonathan Politur and the French production house Puzzle Media, broadcast worldwide with the Planete+ and France O networks


surfEXPLORE® is a registered trademark with IPOS, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization.

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