Art by Tracy Reehal

By nature, I feel a deep connection to art that seems lost, maybe a bit displaced and unattached to one specific medium. Though, within these theme-less creations, lies a beauty – an uncontaminated truth that speaks without words, yet has the ability to stop one dead in her tracks, forcing those fortunate few to reevaluate the meaning of life…how they live or don’t live.

I am a self-taught collage artist currently residing in Las Vegas, NV. Originally drawn to photography, I have expanded my artistic vision by blending my own alternative photographic processes with various collected vintage ephemera and imagery.

Using collage techniques, I build texture by layering acrylics, vintage papers and found objects. Pages from an old book, photographs and other ephemera are the foundation of my art. Inspired from within, using emotions as my guide, I create whimsical art that speaks not only from my soul, but from those who have preceded us.

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