Abrah Zigler

I'm a Tacoma, Washington born artist. I have been honing my skills in multi-media painting from childhood. My loving mother and other family members saw a natural talent in me and encouraged me to build upon it.   Wild from the start with an imagination that was impossible to control, as a child I spent my life outside in nature always day dreaming, as young adult all I wanted to do was travel which I did and continue to do all over the world. Through all these expeirence I've grown an intense love for the amazing planet we live on, and the beautiful diversity of both people and nature that it offers.       My life has been full of beautiful amazing people and experiences that I'm eternally gratefull for, but at the same time in my travels I have seen clearly how we have ruined this beautiful place, how we abuse each other and how oppressed both humans and animals are by greed and corruption.    Through my art I try to express not only the beauty of creation but also the strain that it is undergoing, and the desperation that we all feel.

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