Allie Gecht

I am an Artist, Designer, Photographer, all around Multi-faceted creative.

I have a passion for, and deep roots in, the art of visual storytelling.

I grew up in New York and from a young age cinematography and moviemaking captured my heart. I cultivated this passion, took classes at the School of Visual Arts, helped create a documentary about Central Park, and had a hand in several other film productions. My journey continued at Ohio University where I studied Video Production and Visual Arts. There, I discovered the vast and diverse applications of visual storytelling.

My previous roles and education in this more immersive version of art—filmmaking—underscores, expands and deeply influences my current art forms—illustrations, vastly, and other 2D arts.

Boiled down, somewhere along the way I learned that my art has no boundaries. I can bounce from graphic design to oil painting, videography to visual effects. I no longer try to define myself to one art form because in the end it is the subject mater, the story, that will dictate the medium.

My name is Allie Gecht, and I am an Artist, Designer, Photographer—Multi-faceted creative. Thanks for getting to know me, this is who I am, this is why I create.

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