
The works of artist, Amy Spohn, explore the naïve nature, anxious fears and expansive imaginative dreams synonymous with childhood. Like a crackling lullaby on an old phonograph, the images border between the eerie melancholy of nostalgia and the contented reminisce of the past. Letting her mind wander to those faded fever dreams of chickenpox, and picture books, she brings out the vulnerability of youth. Every thing and everyone was once new. During the time when there was no boundary between the real and fantastic, our minds were vulnerable. The naive mind has potential without limits. Using a patchwork of symbols, expressions, and colors pulled from the narrative of her own childhood experience with fables and stories, she hopes to remind others of their own past. The depth and mystery crated in the layered acrylic sheets are intended to be reminiscent of an old Disney cartoon and their layered animation cells. Her pieces are inspired by children’s cinema and literature and the influence they have on the universal experience of child hood, presenting the shared connections shaped by fairy-tales and legends.

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