Anastasiia Gallery

Hi! I am Anastasiia from Ukraine, currently living in a sunny Turkey. I am a huge fan of acrylic fluid art technics, it is my bliss, my relaxation and constant inspiration. I am thankful that with the help of Society6 i can share with you something what i love so much and what brings me such a joy. I never plan what i am going to paint, i just pick some colors and do what i feel and enjoy the end result:) That is why all my works are pure expression of my soul and feelings ( mostly love and inspiration :D ).

Besides painting, i also love my native country, which is now suffering because of Russian aggression. Because of it, i am also not able easily to come back to my home country for visiting my family. Every month i am donating some amount of money to our brave Ukrainian army. If you are also a fighter for the truth and you are against war, killing, raping and torturing, which is constantly done by russian soldiers on my native land, you will be happy to know that some of the money i earn here will be transferred to the fight against pure evil.

If you don't like my arts here (it's all right, every soul is different and has different preferences, we all are unique and love different things and this is wonderful), but you still want to help Ukrainians in their fight against the Russian terror, you can get to know all the info about how you can help in this website -

Wish you all lots of love and inspiration:)

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