Peter Antos

While a mathematician, Peter Antos always had a great interest in art, especially in painting. Throughout his whole career he has combined the rationality of mathematics and the irrationality of art. Although this may be considered a paradox for many, for Peter the two enhance and complement each other. Peter generally paints in oil using a technique he developed in the 1970s. Instead of a brush, he applies the paint with pieces of blades which results in a unique and special 3D surface. The Constellation of Planets, Transcendence, Parallel Universes, and many other paintings speak about his desire for mathematical precision but also show his rebellious, revolutionary soul. His geometric works evoke the moment of creation, show the world's birth process, when out of nothing a universe comes to life building block by building block until an entire world emerges from the parts. His colorful cosmic inspired works won him several international awards in abstract painting contests. He has exhibited his art at numerous venues in Hungary from Budapest to Veresegyháza and Debrecen since 2005. This year he had his first exhibits in the USA, first in San Diego, then in Los Angeles. Since 2005 he has had 34 individual exhibitions and 16 others he shared with other artists.

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