Hi, my name is Jobbe and I create contemporary archaeologies. In 2014 my colleagues and I had some beers and laughs and imagined a typology of pull tabs (ring pull in the UK) for use in contemporary archaeology digs and for metal detectorists. A REAL typology, but with a grin on our faces to even dare such a ludicrous attempt, because – let’s be honest – most archaeologists and metal-detectorists can’t be bothered… However, the same year and with some help I launched an actual typology vs 1 with pull tabs found in the Netherlands. Intrigued that we collected nine distinctly different types in no-time, we realised there must have existed many more!
Geekiness kicked in, got serious and proved contagious: soon colleagues and friends abroad started to send me new types! Quick updates of the typology followed, but I just couldn’t keep up. With new stock from Czech Republic and Germany the totally new ‘European’ design was outdated within the time of a beer or two. Then a dream emerged and determination grew: we will go global a create a Pull Tab Typology of the World!