Douglas Designs by Amanda

The Beginning

Not always an artist.... ​ As a Coast Guard spouse, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to travel to some pretty amazing places. As of recent, my husband & I called the beautiful island of Puerto Rico home. After the devastation caused by hurricane Maria, my former employer, was forced to shut its doors. It was time to reinvent myself! With tremendous support & encouragement from my husband, I began creating various works mainly for the United States Coast Guard & their families.

We currently reside in Louisiana and while the Crescent City provides a wonderful energy, there is something to be said about being surrounded by the bayou, catfish gulps and lazy gators. My first painting series, Bayou in Bleu, has been inspired by fishing excursions with my husband. These painting depict wildlife commonly found throughout the bayou, expressed mainly in watercolor medium with my characteristic, playful bleu hue. I am so thankful for my amazing community, but I want to make my art available for everyone!

Please enjoy these original works.

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