
Hi, I’m Blaze Forsby – Barcelona-based photographer and founder of @Barcelonacharm! A while ago, I discovered that I’m happiest when I’m creating, but it took me many art forms and formats over the years until I finally settled on street photography. I believe that nothing is ever ordinary, and street photography is a perfect reflection of life itself: messy, chaotic, full of missed chances, and chance encounters, and near misses, and close calls. I believe it is the best way to capture the beauty of it all, especially in a city like Barcelona where art is happening everywhere you turn.

Someone once said: as time goes by, we turn into the cities that we live in. Moving to Barcelona has given me the greatest burst of creative energy I’ve experienced in my life – which inspired my photography blog, tons of poetry, a book (in the making), and a movie script I’m currently working on. I’m a firm believer that this city’s breathtaking beauty has the power to heal anyone’s soul. It has definitely healed mine with all of its untold stories, and that’s exactly what I try to reflect in my every shot.

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