I’m inspired by my childhood memories, slavic folklore, everyday life and our ussr past. I was born in 1990 in Moghilev, Belarus, and I'm very nostalgic about that period and my native town. Plus I'm influenced by Eastern Europe nature, our villages, pagan traditions and urban legends (like creepy pasta for children that was very popular in 80s-90s). Since I was a small child I was a storyteller and had the ability to see mystical and strange in everything. Now that I live in Milan, I use this gift to return home in my illustrations. A catchy eye will recognise architecture, plants, decor objects, clothes and characters that belong to a typical 90s/00s ex-ussr town. At the same time I like to mix them with modern fashion (that is also inspired but that period) and pop - elements that belong to different cultures.
my cats illustrations account: society6/salondesmonstres follow me here: instagram/catpurrrs http://catpurrrs.tumblr.com/