
Born in New England, grew up a little in West Virginia, grew up more in Las Vegas, then Orlando, now in Europe. I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon, took some art classes in high school and college, started architectural renderings in 1972, went on for 35 years doing architectural design and was even licensed in Nevada.

I've been an avid photographer all my life and even had a darkroom in 1967-1969. I've done thousands of photographs of architecture across Europe and have a few thousand drawings, sketches, and renderings in several styles.

Mixed in with all this has been some acting and directing.

Coincident with all the drawing has been writing and music. Professional singer in Las Vegas and Orlando (on the road in 13 states with an 8 piece band in the 70s) also a professional trombonist and producer of music.

I believe in the benefits of artistic cross-training and seem to have received some of those.

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