Cija Bellis

Having lived on the North Coast of California for over 30 years after moving from the high desert and four distinct seasons of New Mexico to the moderately temperate climate of Northern California my senior year of High School, I can't help but be influenced by the abundant Flora and Fauna that surrounds Humboldt County inhabitants. Alternately, the geography of my childhood in the Southwest is the foundation for my creative endeavors. Some speculate that visual artists may see more colors and with greater vibrancy and quantity than those involved with other creative endeavors. In my case, it's not that more hues, tones and gradations of saturated color are present in front of me, it's that my mind's eye changes what I see into worlds of riotous color. I take Flora and Fauna and present to the viewer my interpretation. There are worlds inside my consciousness that foster my creative multiplicity and allow all the different parts of me to express many key elements of how I make sense of the world. Nurturing the parts of me that equate healing with creative output only further fosters personal success and contentment. Thank you for taking this visual and emotional journey with me.

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