Jane Holloway Designs

Jane Holloway has spent a life involved in creative endeavours of many genre's. Starting with acting at 19, the pinnacle being appearing at the Sydney Opera House in a Gilbert and Sullivan play 'Ruddigore', Spending 10 year working in the insurance industry she moved on to become a Radio Announcer and Producer after studying at the prestigious AFTRS at Macquarie University. Having a young family she then moved into EDM production securing a record deal to release her music through her alter ego 'radiogirl' on 'Inner City Beats' in 2008 After having a car accident that left her with long term back injuries she transitioned into writing and digital art. Along with creating and running a small home décor company in Sydney 'Beautiful Cushions'. Jane loves to create bright graphic artworks that use the latest in digital technology. including several software programs along with 'Deep Dream', Google's artificial intelligence open source code. She has recently ventured into taking photos of events such as Sydney's 'Vivid Festival ' and then transitioning those photos into a more traditional artwork look such as oil or watercolour based, produced through digital software. Jane is currently building her reputation as an emerging artist by being offered the opportunity to do commissioned artworks for retail stores in Sydney, as well as an online following through social media.

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