Daphna Laszlo Katzor Multidisciplinary art: sculpture and digital art Born in Haifa in 1958 12 Yehiel Dov Dresner St. Tel Aviv, Israel 6949764 Tel./fax: 972-3-9496611 Mobile: 972-54-9654412 daphna@daphnakatzor.com www.daphnakatzor.com Education 2000 Orian College Tel Aviv, multimedia: processing computerized photographs and computer graphics 1981-1984 Graduate of the photography department in The NB Haifa School of Design Commercial Photography 1987-2020 Director of "Studio Shoot", specializing in photography workshops, activity days for groups and organizations, and advertising and fashion photography 2008-2020 Photography lecturer and teacher in groups, companies, and schools 1984-1987 Fashion and portrait photographer in Ma’ariv newspaper Competitions and Awards 2019 Honorable mention in the Alternative-Processes cate-gory in the 14th international photography competition of the Pollux Awards, held by The British Gala Awards 2018 Honorable mention in the Alternative-Processes category in the 11th edition of the photography com-petition of the Pollux Awards, held by The British Gala Awards 2015 Finalist in the Landscape category and in the Alternative-Processes category of the 8th edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron international photography com-petition held by The British Gala Awards 2015 First prize in the Primary-Colors category in the 8th edition of the photography competition of the Pollux Awards, held by The British Gala Awards 1982-1983 Awarded the Sharet Foundation (America-Israel Cult-ural Fundation) Fine-Arts Scholarship for photography Group Exhibitions 2020 Awardees of the 14th international photography comp-etition of the Pollux Awards and the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, held by The British Gala Awards, Fotonostrum, Barcelona, Spain 2020 Identities and Relationship Between Man, Society and Contemporary Cities, Itsliquid international contemp-orary art show, Venice, Italy 2017 Photo Biennale, Czech China Contemporary Art Museum (CCCAM), Songzhuang, Beijing, China 2016 The 4th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photo-graphy, the 8th edition of the international photography competition of the Pollux Awards and the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, held by The British Gala Awards, Palazzo Italia, Berlin, Germany 2010 Women in the Arts 2010, Museum of the Americas, Doral, Florida, USA 2009
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