Hello there! I'm Lyrin, and i'm award winning tattoo artist that possesses a passion for Illustration. I absolutely love fairytales, mythology and the macabre. My greatest inspirations are Brother's Grimm, Vincent Nasta, Greek & Hindu Myths, Caitlin Hackett, Frank Frazetta, Ralph Bakshi, and many others.
For years I've been juggling work and illustrating. Three years ago, I made a huge life change. I decided to become a tattoo artist (this was big)! Going from being a corporate graphic designer to a freestyle-anything-goes... (in my opinion)... the opportunity to be a true artist has been the greatest experience of my life!
Since becoming a tattoo artist, i've be more creative than I've ever had the chance to in the past. Working with amazing clients and adorning their bodies with my work permanently, has been a dream come true, but I still feel a void in my heart. While I spend so much time and energy bringing other peoples visions to life, I have no time to work on my own creations. Most of my time and artistic energy has been directed to earning a living.
I'm incredibly humble and down to earth (or at least I'd like to think so, lol). Never be nervous to ask question about my work!
https://www.patreon.com/DarkHorseBailey?ty=h It would mean the world to me if you would take a minute to check out my Patreon Project!!! Lyrin Bailey- Creature, Monsters, & Fairytale Beasts It's been a long time dream to publish my own series of art books, and now I'm going to make it happen! You don't have to donate, but your support would be HUGLEY appreciated!! ( If you click the "Become a Paton" button, the first option is no donation, it's just to be a supporter)*
Check out other current projects on Instagram @DarkHorse_Bailey Check out my Tumblr page for all the latest tattoo news & updates @DarkHorse-Bailey Twitter- @darkhorsebailey www.LuckyCatTattoos.com