We are into art, are a tech blog, and on social channels. We also help with education and autism too.
Hello, We do reviews and beta testing and help with education and autism. We have been on the web since 1/11/11 and have been involved in 3d printing the entire time.
We would love to test and review your products and collaborate.
We have been on the web since 1/11/11.
We are https://www.tiktok.com/@technewszonecom http://www.technewszone.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/technewszonecom/ https://twitter.com/itechnewszone https://www.facebook.com/technewszone https://www.redbubble.com/shop/technewszone+com https://www.instagram.com/technewszone/ https://www.youtube.com/technewszonecom https://www.pinterest.com/technewszone/ I have back ground in mechanical engineering, sales, marketing, education. I also help education autism, and veterans. I am a US Army Veteran too.
David Berkowitz New Products Reviewer/Founder Veteran/Teacher/Engineer/Sales and Marketing Cell: (702) 366-5473 davidb@technewszone.com Henderson, Nevada 89012 www.technewszone.com @itechnewszone on twitter @technewszone on instagram @technewzone on facebook youtube.com/technewszonecom https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-berkowitz-a6431019/
Talking Tech, doing reviews and helping stem education since 1/11/11
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