Hendrik De Ley Art

Hendrik De Ley is a unique and popular contemporary artist from South Africa.

His art has been exhibited by various art galleries and in countless exhibitions and events since 2003 and is increasingly sought-after by collectors from around the world.

Being a student of various authors on metaphysics, Mr Deley’s style of art is sometimes described as “metaphysical expressionism” or “meta–geometry” (as in the case of his well-known “Ink Series”, which was drawn spontaneously using ballpoint pens exclusively). Nevertheless, he maintains that his art is primarily spontaneous in nature and is thus a reflection of “subconscious or transcendental activity” taking place beyond even his own field of awareness.

His style of work varies between the exceedingly precise, yet spontaneous, geometrical pattern drawings of his Ink Series (I – IV) and the free-flowing, uninhibited brush strokes of an unfettered expressionist (e.g. The Fiddler).

Many of his works are often described as presenting the viewer with “something new every time they are viewed” and this is one of the many reasons why they are so highly sought after by collectors and fans of his prints. The seemingly infinite depth of possible meanings and undertones that the mind invariably finds itself reeling in when attempting to limit some of his more abstract works to any single interpretation is also an experience common to many who have spent several minutes (or days) admiring them.

Despite his introverted personality and humble attitude regarding his artistic talents, as well as the extensive collection of works produced during his limited spare time since 2003, when he started to paint and draw incessantly on a daily basis after returning home from work, Mr De Ley has expressed his willingness to personally attend international exhibitions around the world insofar as he is invited to do so.

Thanks to the increasing popularity and acclaim that his art has been receiving over the last few years, he is now also able to dedicate all his time to creating more fantastic insights the mind of his own artistic genius — something which his followers and fans were very pleased about when he announced his early retirement in 2017.

Now, after much discussion and convincing of the introverted artist, the De Ley collection has been made accessible to the world, and the amount of attention it has already enjoyed is surprising, even to those who predicted its widespread popularity throughout the world.

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