I'm Kris.
I love science fiction and fantasy, and that has stayed with me all the way from early life into my career.
Some of you may know me from my plush-making business Dragons by Kris over on Etsy, but if not, that's cool. I started out as a plush-maker, and I continue to operate over there under the same user / business name "Dragons by Kris." As much as I enjoy making plushies (mostly dragons, but I'm slowly expanding), I also love to draw, both digitally and traditionally. As such, I decided to set up shop here on Society6 and turn those drawings into designs.
As you may have already guessed, my shop will predominantly feature dragons, but there will be other designs working their way in, both fantasy and realistic. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them! (Though in some cases, there may have been some frustrated mutterings involved. That is definitely possible.)
In addition to all of this, I'm also a writer and have a science fiction novel called "Chasing Shadows" published under the name K.N. Salustro, and I'm currently working on the sequel.