Dyaneris Art

I 'm Dyaneris, a 20 yo freelance illustrator|concept artist living in New Caledonia. ( small French island between Australia and New Zealand ) I studied at 3Dsense media school in 2017 ( diploma in Digital Design and Illustration ). I realized I wanted to be an artist when i was in high school. I always loved to draw but i only thought of it as a hobby. As i was asked to choose an orientation, I thought : "If I need to wake up and go to work everyday, I'd rather do it with a smile. It doesn't matter if I don't earn a lot of money... I just want to be happy." And even though both my parents weren't supportive of my projects, I applied for 3Dsense media school and had the most wonderful year of my life. Being able to interact and spend a lot of time with people that share the same passion as you is just something really fulfilling. I've now graduated and I am searching for a job.

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