Hello, my name is Emily May and welcome to my art hive. I believe that art opens us to states of discovery and possibility, the ingredients that create magic in our lives. The co-mingling of shadow and light, color and texture, emotional expression and inquiry, all connect us to a deeper sense of inspiration and heart-centered appreciation. Join me on this soulful, artistic exploration towards creating more internal freedom, playfulness and balance in ourselves and the world we live in.
Things I love: Quiet time in the studio, laughing with my two teenage boys, walking my fluffins dog, fireside with friends, finding moments of peace within the busy.
My passion: Creating art that contains a spark of awakening, a reminder of some buried bone-deep truth. It tickles me to paint images that reveal a deeper message. Often, tucked into my art are questions or images that result in the clarity of an Aha! or a subtle inner knowing, reclaiming of a lost part of ourselves or even just a deep breath and a smile. I love sharing images that act as a bridge that brings you home to yourself again and again.
Social: https://www.emilymaystudioarts.space https://www.instagram.com/emilymaystudioarts/ https://www.facebook.com/EmilyMayStudioArts/ https://www.pinterest.com/emilymaystudioarts/
Contact: emily@emilymaystudioarts.space
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