Emily Waterbury Photography

Hi! My name is Emily and I'm a 27 year old photographer. I got into photography entirely by accident. After I graduated college, I deferred a Paralegal job offer for a couple months so that I could go and travel before beginning the law track. I decided to go solo-backpacking around Europe for 90 days, staying only in hostels. Backpacking alone was a terrifying thought, but it was terrifying in a good way. I knew I would learn so much and gain clarity about myself. The trip was fantastic, and I had no trouble making friends thanks to the nurturing environment of Hostels. Everyday though, I would wake up with a plan to go and explore whatever city I was in by myself. I began to notice that I was stopping all of the time to take photos with my phone. I would linger in a place for hours consumed with capturing the beauty. I loved it, so I decided to invest in my first real camera when I got to Brussels, Belgium. From that moment on, photography became my safe haven and my way to explore intimidating and exciting new landscapes. Getting to see all of these wonderful places through the lens of my camera became a lasting joy that I've carried with me on every trip that I've taken since. I never did end up going to law school, and now my passion is to travel and photograph. Thank you so much for stumbling on my page today, and I can't wait to share my journey with you! With a warm heart, Emily

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