I am a Frenchman living in Kampot, Cambodia since last November, more or less retired, and I offer you a selection of my Photography (it is in full, posted daily, on my Instagram*) for sale in art prints, in square format which is my format of choice.
This is Photography for me to capture what is around, every day, in my wanderings, with a prime attention to light, colours, frame, without effect. Photography with an Iphone to keep it simple, light, spontaneous. Photography in a Wabisabi way, slowing down, to notice and appreciate the overlooked beauty of a reality that is in so many ways mundane and imperfect. Photography to relate the impermanence of things. Photography like a journal, documenting my life thu the reporting of the life around, zooming and dezooming, in a subjectively objective approach. Photography like a film, where the single picture can stand alone, but a greater meaning arises from looking at a photo in relation to others.
As well as 'Words of Wisdom'. Quotes from wise people which I have found meaningful over time on my personal life journey and which I wish to offer in the form of art prints. I like to connect/reconnect with them regularly. Have them near me as a support of my sustained and never-ending practice of meditation. They may ring a bell with you as well.
Thank you
*https://www.instagram.com/eric.in.cambodia/ (may be used as well to send me a DM if you wish)