I am an amateur photographer and actor living in New York City. I love exploring all the different things I can do with photography and the different ways to create the image I see in my mind when I take a picture. I love telling a story with a photograph. When I look at something, I don’t merely see it for what it literally is - I see it’s history and it’s own story. What did it used to be? What kind of people have passed by, or touched this very spot? If it could talk, what would it say? It’s these stories that I try and tell through my camera. I love colors and I love seeing things that seem out of place, or even, in a sense, forgotten. I love the portability and accessibility of my iPhone and enjoy exploring the endless possibilities the mobile photography world has to offer, but I also love looking through the lens of my Fujifilm and seeing the world in a completely different way.
+ Follow me on Twitter: @ErikKeiser
+ Follow me on Tumblr: erikkeiser.tumblr.com
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