Thank you for supporting my Society6 store. As time goes on, I have less time to manually fulfill orders from my own shops so I increasingly rely on sites like this.
Society6 has improved the backend so you'll know more details about what sold and when. The analytics are what kept me on Teespring, but now that their capcha has me constantly locked out, I'm going full on into s6.
TIM Ozman http://infiniteplanesociety.com/
Host of Infinite Plane Radio and author of Secret Religion of the Elite, God is a Narcissist, Jesus is a Codependent, How to Control Codependent People, The Flat Earthers: Life On The Edge of Reality, The Autohoaxer Handbook, Deep Faked, Guardrails, and Mandoozled: The Mandela Effect Debunked. Flatearth Autohoax Illuminati