Welcome to my world
My art name ‘Giada Rossi’ translated from Italian means ‘reds jade’. The red jade stone has the properties of overcoming battles, blocking negative energy and helping to realize a peaceful life. I’ve used the plural ‘reds’ to reflect my multi-faceted approach to my art and use of color. This closely mirrors my kinship with art. I have been immersing myself in creative expression as a form of personal healing as an artist for over ten years. Because this is an intensely personal journey, my artworks embrace and embody my own awakening which comes through in the range of different, completely unique and complementary styles. The Transition from Healing to Healer As I voyage into unchartered territory within myself, I’m always reminded of the inescapable truth, that in order to bring healing to the world around me, I should first heal myself. Through my artworks, there is a sense of that healing energy, that source meditative therapy through the use of shapes and color that is conferred to those who own my works. My own experience of the healing ability of my art has given me purpose: to share my journey with the world facilitating the successful transition from a focus on internal healing to one where I help others to heal. I am honored by those who, by purchasing my artwork, trust in the power of art to bring solace, comfort, and peace. The Power of Color to Bring Healing My unique self-directed journey has allowed me to explore spirituality, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, meditation and relaxation methods. My hope for you is that, as you browse my works, they resonate with you and in some way spark the beginning of your own journey towards light and healing. In particular, I have been studied and been powerfully inspired by the meaning and power of colors, delving into Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chromotherapy. Nowhere is this influence of color so clearly present than in my collection of mandalas and paintings on spirituality My Dreamscape: Where Beauty, Wisdom and Consciousness Meet Take a pilgrimage through my dreamscape as I recall my most vivid, perspective-altering hopes and desires, as well as the moods and emotions that inspire them. Get lost, Be inspired and comforted, Meditate, Taste freedom, mystery and the limitless capacity that you have to give, and revel in the expansion of your consciousness. Then slowly, ever so slowly, Move towards yourself, coming back to the calmcentering of self-knowledge.
A Collection of Fantasy, Joy and Fun As my style and sense of self continues to evolve and change, I find that I am increasingly drawn to new challenges and different experiences. I’m regularly inspired by experiences and people in my everyday life. More and more I find that my pursuit of a simple, meaningful life very often overlaps with the creative work that I am drawn to. I somehow balance the deep, thoroughly immersive topics of spirituality and the universe with light-hearted, child-like endeavors.
PORTFOLIO: http://1-giada-rossi.pixels.com/ Fan page Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rgiadasfineart Twitter: http://https://twitter.com/rgiada17 Linkedin: http://https://www.linkedin.com/profile/public-profile-settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile If interested, you can access her art, available for Royalty Free and Rights Managed Licensing at: Giada Rossi Royalty-Free and Rights-Managed Images http://licensing.pixels.com/art/all/giada+rossi/all
My artworks are widely available to my clients as art-inspired clothing, accessories and décor on:
https://society6.com/giadarossi http://www.artsadd.com/store/rgiada http://shopvida.com/collections/giada-rossi https://www.teepublic.com/user/rgiada https://www.rageon.com/a/users/RGiada http://www.cafepress.com/RGiadasPlanet