Graphic design by Harvey Warwick III
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Charlotte, North Carolina
EDUCATION: B.S. Mass Communications/Systems Analysis, Taylor University, Upland, Indiana A.S. Graphic Design, International Academy of Technology and Design, Tampa, Florida
MAJOR ARTISTIC INFLUENCES: M. C. Escher --- Studying the works of Escher gave me a fascination with tessellations
Yaacov Agam -- While Agam's kinetic art cannot be properly viewed in 2D, his contribution to
optical art has always made him a favorite of mine
Spyros Horemis - His book Optical and Geometrical Patterns and Designs was a big influence on me
Hajime Ouchi - His book Japanese Optical and Geometrical Art is another favorite of mine
Salvador Dali - Who doesn't like Dali? His influence is everywhere in art
Max Ernst ------ An underrated master whose unique vision produced some incredible art
Yves Tanguy -- Creator of otherworldly abstract landscapes that I've always wanted to visit
Patrick Woodroffe - His book and album cover illustrations with a touch of surrealism have a wonderful wit
And of course my own family has been a major influence. My grandfather, Harvey Warwick Sr., was a well-known architect in Washington, D.C., most famous for designing the Westchester Apartments, and also the Colonial Village in Arlington, VA. My father was an architectural designer and an avid amateur artist, who worked in wood, silver, leather, clay, and graphic media, who also made hundreds of doodles, watercolor cartoon drawings, homemade posters and greeting cards for friends and family.
I got started in traditional media - paper, pencils, ink, paint, clay - and have moved up to computer graphic design, yet the elements of what makes good art and design are universal across all media. Technology changes all the time: I am constantly striving to learn new software and design techniques, and incorporate it into my latest work.